"Up until the age of 12 I had no idea how to play the keyboard (some will say I still don't). After hearing 'The Final Countdown' by Europe that all changed and I was able to strangely pick up songs by ear. Long story short, after many different bands, musical styles and indeed keyboards, I was able to take elements from my keyboard hereos such as Rick Wakeman, Jens Johansson and Jon Lord to create my own form of musical performance. I am currently having a blast injecting some vintage 70s soundscapes and searing analog leads into the Acolyte set and can't wait to hit the touring circuit and meet other musicians!" - David Van Pelt
Affiliation(s): Divine Ascension
Endorsement(s): KORG Keyboards
Links: Facebook // Instagram
Favorite Song: The Final Countdown
Favorite Drink on Tour: Red wine
Favorite Band(s) / Artists(s): Europe and Rainbow
Other Favorite Genre/Style to Play: Jazz fusion
Favorite Tour Meal: Chicken Parma
Cannot Go On Tour Without: My keyboards
Favorite Live Moment: Being fed a beer while doing a keytar solo in a crowd of 3,000 people in Spain